I was a big fan of the TV show "24". Especially the earlier seasons.
That show was simply a ton of fun. While it had numerous plot holes and problems -- and some portions just plain made zero sense -- it was a fun, fast paced adventure.
So when I saw that Kiefer Sutherland (the star of 24) had a new show on Paramount+, I was both excited to try it... and a bit apprehensive that it would be a giant dumpster fire (like so many shows are nowadays).
After watching the first 4 episodes of that show -- "Rabbit / Hole" -- I'm hooked.
The premise is a fun one. Kiefer works in corporate espionage. A company which does data mining of social media (and other sources) gets involved. And things go absolutely insane from there.
It's difficult to talk too much more about the plot -- which gets big and wild -- without ruining the ride. It's a show filled with genuinely unexpected twists and turns around darn near every corner. In order to truly enjoy "Rabbit / Hole" (which my wife has taken to simply calling it "Whack Hole"), you really need to embrace the twists.
The first three episodes have a fairly dark vibe, especially episode 3. Almost too dark for my liking... but not enough to turn me off of the show entirely. Those first episode are all good... but felt like they were still trying to find their voice and style.
But then, in episode 4, something clicked. Just the right amount of humor. The characters became increasingly likable. The feeling of investment in their future really deepened. And the whole episode ended up feeling like a "Buddy Caper Movie". Like Oceans 11 meets Sneakers meets 24. Quite enjoyable. I truly hope future episodes keep that feel of episode 4... because, if so, this is going to be an amazing show.
There are some downsides to "Rabbit / Hole".
Namely... the swearing. Good grief. So many F-bombs and the like in this show. Really not needed... but it's there. So be aware if you have kids awake.
The computer / tech / nerd details in the show are truly mixed. VPNs, 2FA, encryption, Social Media, Crypto currency, NFTs... it gets a surprising amount of it absolutely spot-on correct. Not all. And, if you watch the show, those parts will stand out to you like a sore thumb. But, as far as TV and movies go, it gets more correct than the vast majority. For that... I'm impressed.
I'm definitely going to keep watching. And it's one of the rare shows I recommend. It's not perfect, and it has a bit of a potty mouth. But, if you can get past that, it's a fun time. At least so far.